Joyce McDonough invitée du Labex – Chaire Internationale 2017 | Labex EFL
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Joyce McDonough invitée du Labex – Chaire Internationale 2017
24, Avr 2017 | Professeurs Invités
You will find hereafter the detail of her lectures :
The Paradigmatic Lexicon : The Navajo verbal complex in Word & Pattern morphology
“…the Na-Dene languages are not one-third as synthetic as they look…. What Swanton calls affixes are all independent stems entering into composition, or even little verbs…It all crumbles into pieces at the least touch….”
Edward Sapir (1921)excerpts from a letter to A. L. Kroeber
The lectures will address, as a case study, the structure of the Navajo verbal complex in a a Word and Pattern (wp) framework, and in contrast to the more commonly used item-and-arrangement approach. In common with many indigenous language families in North America, the Athabaskan languages belong to a morphological type, so-called ‘polysynthetic’. Despite their wide dispersion across the northern continent, the Dene languages remain closely related, to the level of fine-grained phonetic detail, and share a distinct morphological structure traditionally characterized by a position class template of between 18-23 ‘positions’. The positions account for the distribution of morphemes, important in cross-Dene studies, but fail for word formation. The broad goal here is to provide a model of a native Dene speaker’s lexicon based on an empirical ground-up, data-driven investigation of sound forms. A bi-partite model grounded in phonetic data will be laid out by which lexemes and their inflected variants enter into paradigmatic relations with each other. Empirical data on Navajo verb will be taken from two sources: recent instrumental phonetic data and documentation on Navajo and related northern Dene languages, and Young and Morgan’s (1987) grammar The Navajo Language. The second, topic is morphological typology, the role of position classes in comparative and typological work, such as the studies of morphotactics and polyfunctionality and the role of position in determining function. For polysynthetic morphologies in general, two striking issues are the density of the neighborhoods in which words reside (their parameters of relatedness), and the ability of speakers to recognize and retrieve words. Both are inherently related to the information present in the sound signal about structure within the word, and by extension .
Lieu / Venue : Université Paris Diderot – Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges – Place Paul Ricoeur – 75013 Paris
Lecture 1 – Introduction : W&P morphology, a case study of the Navajo verbal complex
Thursday 27/04, 10h – 12h, Salle 134
Athabaskan verbal complex: the data
Defining the terms of the models the template and the bipartite model and the notion ‘word’ in Navajo
Lecture 2: The forms of the Navajo verbal complex
Thursday 04/05, 10h – 12h, Salle 133
Phonetic and phonotactic evidence for structure in the verbal unit
The verb as a complex: The core verb form:
The (t)am and verb elements: alternation patterns
Compounding and compositionality
Lecture 3: Predicting Navajo forms (continued)
Thursday 11/05, 10h – 12h, Salle 133
Word and Pattern lexicon
“New” forms and compounding and constraints on compounding
What falls out of paradigmatic alternation patterns
Lecture 4: The Paradigmatic Lexicon : the morphosyntactic hypothesis
Monday 15/05, 15h – 17h, Salle 133
The Navajo ‘word’ as a compound: Sapir’s ‘little verbs’
The idea of the paradigmatic complex, future work
À propos
Le Laboratoire d’excellence “Fondements Empiriques de la Linguistique” (EFL) repose sur le travail collaboratif d’un consortium d’équipes de linguistique théorique et appliquée. Son but : ouvrir de nouvelle perspectives sur la recherche en linguistique.
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